The Keyboard processing mode selects loans for closure, and lets the user manually process each record in the record set, one at a time. This processing mode lets the user satisfy (close) each of the selected loans, or to skip the selected loan. A Satisfaction letter will be produced for each satisfied loan if the "Add Letter" selection was checked.
When the Keyboard mode button is clicked, a new window is opened as follows:
The top portion of the window (see section 1 below) identifies the borrower, the loan and the loan's principal balance.
The middle portion of the window (see section 2 below) provides the two processing options available to the user. These are "Satisfy" or "Skip". If the loan has a principal balance that is between zero and the Tolerance Amount, the Satisfy button will indicate that a small balance adjustment will be made (as shown in the example below).
The bottom portion of the window (see section 3 below) provides running totals of the number of loans examined, skipped, and satisfied. An additional count indicates the number of Satisfied loans that required a small balance adjustment. In the example below, the counts are all zero because this was the first loan processed.
As shown in the previous example, the user must select one of two processing options; these are "Satisfy" or "Skip".
If the user chooses to Skip the loan, the loan record is NOT satisfied. Both the Skipped and Examined counts are incremented, and the next record (if any) is displayed to the user. For example:
(NOTE: In the above example notice the "Satisfy" button (indicated by the red arrow). Because this loan has a zero principal balance, no adjusting entry will be made; the button is labeled only with the word "Satisfy".)
If the user chooses to Satisfy the loan, a small balance adjustment will be made (if the principal balance is between zero and the Tolerance Amount), and the loan's status will be set to "Z". If the user had checked the "Add a Letter" option on the Batch Satisfactions parameter window, the appropriate letter will be created and added to the borrower's Mail Queue. Both the Examined and Satisfied counts are incremented; the Small Balance Adjustments count will also be incremented if an adjustment was made. The next record (if any) is then displayed to the user. The following example shows a Satisfaction, and the message that indicates there are no more records to process:
When all loan records have been processed, click on the Office Management window to close the Batch Satisfaction processing windows.