Campaign Mail

This report is produced when Campaign Mail is selected from the Reports drop-down list. The report is a listing of all borrower loans that currently have a particular benefit type/code in place. For each borrower loan, the borrower's SSN, name, loan name and status, and the benefit end dates are provided. The borrower loan information is grouped/sorted by:

Parameter Entry

Campaign Mail allows the user to input numerous parameters in order to ensure that the selected letter is sent to a defined group of borrowers. The following are the data parameters:

The following is the Campaign Mail Setup window with a sampling of parameters selected:

The window provides buttons allowing the user to perform the following three options:

1. Preview Borrowers

Clicking the Preview Borrowers button will display a list of borrowers matching the input parameters as shown below:


If no borrowers meet the selected parameters, the following message will display:

Report Composition

The data elements which comprise the Campaign Mail report are described in the following table:

Column Name


Today's Date Line


Letter Identification Line


Save Exit Flag Line


Save Exit Flag Date



Lists the number of borrowers that will receive this letter.

Borrower Name

Name of the borrower.


The street address, comprised of Address 1 and Address 2 of the borrowers mailing address.






Zip Code

Record Selection Criteria

This report retrieves all borrowers from the CLM database that meets the following conditions:

Borrowers are displayed alphabetically.

2. Generate Mail

Clicking the Generate Mail button will display a message similar to the following:

3. Reset Icon

Click on the Reset icon to restore the data entry form to its initial (blank) state. Any data that was entered in the form will be erased from the display.