"How To" Functions in CRC

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Below you will find links to various operations in CRC and how to properly use these functions.


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Bankruptcy Process Options in CRC

Two Bankruptcy process options and corresponding results in CRC:


1-      Handle as a Postponement

PPBK – Process a postponement for Bankruptcy


Effect:  Loan/Receivable Status = P

Past Due / Curr Due Installments will be removed.

Credit Bureau Status=11 (Current) & Special Pmt Indicator= 02 ( Deferred Pmt)

Interest amts move to Int Balance and accrues with each Benefit Mail cycle.


How to Process:

                Notice of Stay of Creditor Received:

Make note in call log of Loan/Receivable status/delinquency of Loan/Receivable as of BK filing date.

                                Bankruptcy Filed Flag – BS / Top Menu - Flags

                                Apply PPBK Benefit –

Set End date well out into future since you have no time frame

                Un-Check the Bill Int box

Monitor /extend PP end date to ensure the end date is not nearing if Discharge      has not been received – Reports/Benefits/Allowances-Currently Active

Upon receipt of discharge                          

To reflect Loan/Receivable with installs which would have accrued during BK:

Reverse the PPBK -  will re-establish past due installments and age Loan/Receivable as if no PP was applied. (Princ and Interest)

Go to OM/LnMtnce/FInc – Clear the Int Balance field If any $’s


To reflect Loan/Receivable with status prior to BK plus only interest during BK:

                                Reverse the PPBK benefit –

Re-apply with true begin and end dates of BK.  

                                                Go to OM/LnMtnce/Finc –

Clear the Int and Int Bal fields

Set past due install counter to equal the status of Loan/Receivable prior  to PP (from note in call log – pd+cd  install) .


 2-      Handle in a Collection Queue – Bankruptcy Pending

(Type = External / Bill Lns = No / Report as ‘In Collections’= No)


Effect:   Loan/Receivable Status = Q

Installments = Continue to accrue

Credit Bureau = As aged

Bill Hold Code = Type of BK will report as Consumer Information Indicator


How To Process:

Notice of Stay of Creditor Received:

                                Bankruptcy Filed Flag –> BS / Top Menu – Flags

Set Bill Hold Code and Date to set Consumer Info Indicator -> Type of Bk

Make note in call log of Loan/Receivable status/delinquency of Loan/Receivable as of BK filing date.

                                Move Loan/Receivable(s) to External Queue – Bk Pending

                                Ext Que Param: Report to Credit Bureau as "With External Collections" = NO

B.S. Collection $ icon: Set Review date out by 6 mos.


Upon receipt of discharge

                                Make note in Call Log

                                Remove BkRpt Filed Flag

                                Remove Bill Hold Flag

                                Remove from Queue (place in any system queue) – resumes billing for all

                                amounts due since filing of BK

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1098E Reporting Process :

 First Pass- Builds the IRS file and sets up the mail to print on the IRS 1098E forms. (Required if >$600 interest)

Calendar Year: 20xx

For 1098-E's to Customers

Add 1098-E to Customer Mail Queue?  Yes

                    Limit reporting to those whose interest exceeds $600.00?  Yes

For the IRS File:

                Write 1098-E history record for Customers?  Yes

                Limit reporting to those whose interest exceeds $600.00?  Yes

                Sort Customers by:   Last Name

                Is this a Test or Real file?  Real File

                Submit as an Original or Replacement file?  Original File

                If this is a replacement, what is the name of the original file?   <blank>

                Extract File Name:  20xx_1098-E.txt

                Overwrite existing files?  Yes


SECOND PASS - For internal office use, builds a list of EVERYONE who had any interest paid during the year.

Calendar Year: 20xx

For 1098-E's to Customers

                Add 1098-E to Customer Mail Queue?  No

                Limit reporting to those whose interest exceeds $600.00?  No

 For the IRS File:

                Write 1098-E history record for Customers?  No

                Limit reporting to those whose interest exceeds $600.00?  No

                Sort Customers by:  Last Name

                Is this a Test or Real file?  Test File

                Submit as an Original or Replacement file?  Original File

                If this is a replacement, what is the name of the original file?   <blank>

                Extract File Name:  20xx_1098-E.txt

                Overwrite existing files?  No


For the list, simply print the report from the resulting output that comes up.  There is a print button there for you.


ADDITIONALLY….. you may opt to send a letter to each Customer.

Steps required to send a LETTER, in lieu of 1098-E form, providing Customers with interest paid for current Calendar Year.

1-      Export - Run the 1098-E Reporting job to create IRS file….. (i.e. SECOND PASS above)

2-      OM/Letter Mtnc - Create a letter as ‘Type L- Letter’ and use replaceable tag for <PRIOR YTD INTEREST> .

3-      Reports/Campaign Mail - Select applicable options for Letter Code, Loan/Receivable Types, and  Interest Paid During.  Click 'Preview Customers' to generate the report of Customers.  Next click 'Generate Mail' which will add the letter to Mail Queue.

4-       Reports/Queued Mail Printing - Select  Mail Type = Letterhead and Click Show Mail. Check either ALL or individual letters to print. Click Print Mail then Update Mail to complete the audit trail for Loan/Receivable History.

5-      If desired, you may notify Customers through a message on the billing statements.  Go to OM/LetterMaintenace and add desired text and the replaceable tag <PRIOR YTD INTEREST>. 

Remember, that because of status change or paid in full, not all Customers who paid interest during the year will necessarily receive a bill statement.

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Exit a Loan/Receivable Through the Import Process

If you are exiting  the Loan/Receivables through Customer Services / Exit a Loan/Receivable,  that process is fine for Customers with only 1 Loan/Receivable requiring exit.  When multiple Loan/Receivables require exit, you need to use the exit process that is provided through the Import tab.  Remember, a 'true Import file' is not required for you to use the Apply processes. If you are exiting  The Loan/Receivables through Customer Services / Exit a Loan/Receivable.  That process is fine for Customers with only 1 Loan/Receivable requiring exit.  When multiple Loan/Receivables require exit, you need to use the exit process that is provided through the Import tab.  Remember, a 'true Import file' is not required for you to use the Apply processes.


 If you want to re-enroll the Loan/Receivables you have already processed through BS, please do so before proceeding with the following steps.

          Click the Import tab.

          Select Apply Exit records.

          Click the Add icon across bottom of screen.

          Give a batch name (i.e.Spring 09 Grad).

          Supply the seperation date that you wish to begin Grace Period.

          Click Save- now your new 'file' is listed in the Batch Name column.


         Click Add Records to the right of our batch.


          Enter either the Customer ID or SSN and click Find.


          Screen is then populated with the Customer details.....Save


IGNORE the following message that you will receive 'No  Customers

match the Customer ID/SSN/Last Name entered. Please try again.'  This is

a fluke that is being corrected.  Your batch number of Unprocessed

records is increased and the Customer is added to the file..(you may use spyglass

to 'view').


Continue adding your Customers.


Now you are ready to Exit these Customers (all E-status Loan/Receivables). Select Automatic Processing to Yes if you donot care to review each record. Click Save.


You may review them by looking at the Account grid and history.


Next, you will Print the Exit materials: Reports/Queued Mail Printing.



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