Note Types Information Report

This report is produced when Note Types Information is selected from the Reports drop-down list. The report is a listing of all (undeleted) Note Type records that are currently being used by the CLM system, grouped by:

Sample Report

The following is a sample Note Types Information report:

Report Composition

The data elements which comprise the Note Types Information report are described in the following table:

Column Name


Group Heading


Group Header

This is the Loan Name used to group the Note records for the report.

In the above example, the group header is "ALEX-GENL", and is in a grey drop-down box.

Loan Information


Campus Code

Campus identifier.

Loan Name

Loan Name represented by this Note.

Loan Sub Name

Loan Sub Name value associated with this Note.

Benefit Extension Months

The number of months a benefit associated with this Note Type can be extended.


Vintage identifier associated with this Note Type.

FAO Loan Name

This value is the major matching key to the proper Note Type record when inbounding a loan record.

Cancellation Benefit(s) String

A list of the Cancellation benefits (if any) that can be applied to loans of this Note Type. Each benefit is represented by a 4-character string that is comprised of the Benefit Type and Benefit Code.

In the above example, the first loan has 4 cancellation benefits associated with it. The first is identified as "CXDE", which is the Cancellation/Death benefit.

Deferment Benefit(s) String

A list of the Cancellation benefits (if any) that can be applied to loans of this Note Type. Each benefit is represented by a 4-character string that is comprised of the Benefit Type and Benefit Code.

In the above example, the first loan has 1 deferment benefit associated with it.

Postponement Benefit(s) String

A list of the Cancellation benefits (if any) that can be applied to loans of this Note Type. Each benefit is represented by a 4-character string that is comprised of the Benefit Type and Benefit Code.

In the above example, the first loan has no postponement benefits associated with it.

Record Selection Criteria

This report retrieves all undeleted Note Type records from the CLM database, and sorts them by Loan Name, Loan Sub Name, and Vintage.