This report is produced when Note Types Information is selected from the Reports drop-down list. The report is a listing of all (undeleted) Note Type records that are currently being used by the CLM system, grouped by:
Loan Name
Loan Sub Name
The following is a sample Note Types Information report:
The data elements which comprise the Note Types Information report are described in the following table:
Column Name |
Description |
Group Heading |
Group Header |
This is the Loan Name used to group the Note records for the report. In the above example, the group header is "ALEX-GENL", and is in a grey drop-down box. |
Loan Information |
Campus Code |
Campus identifier. |
Loan Name |
Loan Name represented by this Note. |
Loan Sub Name |
Loan Sub Name value associated with this Note. |
Benefit Extension Months |
The number of months a benefit associated with this Note Type can be extended. |
Vintage |
Vintage identifier associated with this Note Type. |
FAO Loan Name |
This value is the major matching key to the proper Note Type record when inbounding a loan record. |
Cancellation Benefit(s) String |
A list of the Cancellation benefits (if any) that can be applied to loans of this Note Type. Each benefit is represented by a 4-character string that is comprised of the Benefit Type and Benefit Code. In the above example, the first loan has 4 cancellation benefits associated with it. The first is identified as "CXDE", which is the Cancellation/Death benefit. |
Deferment Benefit(s) String |
A list of the Cancellation benefits (if any) that can be applied to loans of this Note Type. Each benefit is represented by a 4-character string that is comprised of the Benefit Type and Benefit Code. In the above example, the first loan has 1 deferment benefit associated with it. |
Postponement Benefit(s) String |
A list of the Cancellation benefits (if any) that can be applied to loans of this Note Type. Each benefit is represented by a 4-character string that is comprised of the Benefit Type and Benefit Code. In the above example, the first loan has no postponement benefits associated with it. |
This report retrieves all undeleted Note Type records from the CLM database, and sorts them by Loan Name, Loan Sub Name, and Vintage.