Credit Report Extract

Credit Report Extract Screen Sample

Export File Formats

Export Functions Overview


This process will produce a Credit Report Extract for use in reporting financial information to Credit Bureaus. The process can be used to produce an extract for a select group of Customers (as identified by an SSN range) or for all Customers in the system. Please note that the extract encompasses all Customers associated with the CRC School Code identifier and valid Note Maintenance Credit Bureau Parameter. A separate extract is not produced for each Campus that might be associated with the School Code identifier. Also, the agencies displayed in this window must first be created in Administration/System Configuration (see Credit Bureau Parameters for more details).  Additionally, the Credit Bureau Feed parameter on the Loan/Receivable note in Administration/Loan Receivable Definitions must be set to Yes.

Export Credit Report Extract File

To export a Credit Report Extract File, and follow Data Entry below and click the Add icon in the function bar. When the Add icon is clicked, an edit process is triggered to review the supplied parameter values. If any errors are found, the user is notified as follows:

Click on OK to acknowledge the error, correct the appropriate parameter value and again click the Add icon.

·         If no errors are found the Credit Report Extract process is initiated. This process will retrieve all Customers whose SSN occurs with the specified range, and:

·         Loan/Receivable name is not "Judgement"

·         Loan/Receivable status is not equal to "X", "Y" or "Z"

·         Loan/Receivable is not a House Account  (Loan/Receivable type X)

·         Principal Balance is > zero

·         Principal Balance is = or < zero if the "Include 60+ day PIF" Flag value is "Yes"

While the credit report process is running, the following is displayed to the user:

If no Customer records meet the criteria to be included on the Credit Report Extract, the user is notified as follows:

If qualifying Customer/Account records are found, a Credit Report is run (see sample below). Please note that this file is resident on the CRC application web server (see Outbound File Formats for more detail).

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Data Entry

*Required Fields

Field Name


Posting Date

This date is used to update the credit report records with the date they were "posted".

Include 60+PIF’s

This option will determine whether or not Customers that have paid in full in the past 60+ days will included in the extract.

Save Credit Ratings

This option will determine whether or not the Customers credit information will be saved in CRC. If so, this information can be viewed via the Account grid dropdown menu.

“From SSN”/Through “SSN”values

These values are used to identify a range of Customers to be considered for the Credit Report Extract. If "From" and "Thru" SSN values are not entered, all Customer records will be reviewed by default.

Include? Yes/No

This option will include or exclude the generation of an extract file for the displayed Credit Bureau Agencies.

Extract File Name

The default path and name of the file to be created.

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Credit Report Extract Screen Sample


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Credit Report Extract Report Sample

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