ACH Customers

Sample Report

Reports Functions Overview


This report will produce a listing of Customers and their respective Loan/Receivables with a balance greater than $0.00 which have a Payment Method set for ACH.   Prior to processing the Export ACH file, this report should be review for possible discrepancies.  'Rpmt not = ACH' will appear where the scheduled ACH amount is not sufficient to pay the minimum installlment amount for all Loan/Receivables in a repayment status. Bill Hold Flag may prevent Loan/Receivable from inclusion in file.  Loan/Receivable Status 'S' may be with an external collection agency.

Sample Report




Customer ID

Customer's  ID

Name Customer's name
Bill Hold A 'Y' In the Bill Hold column indicates a Flag is present on the account.  Based on the option selected for the parameter 'Honor BIll Holds' in creating the Export ACH file, this flag may exclude the Customer from the process.

Loan/Receivable Name

Lists all Loan/Receivables for a given account where the Loan/Receivable balance is greater than $0.00

Due Date

The Due Date for each of the Loan/Receivables.  Only Loan/Receivables with a Due Date equal or prior to the 'Through Date' parameter in Export/ACH will be included in the file.    When no override amount is present on the ACH record, the Install Amount for repayment Loan/Receivables (R, Q, S) is used to set the ACH Debit amount.


Indicates the current status for each Loan/Receivable on an account. An asterisk by a status 'S' should be reviewed to verify Loan/Receivable's eligibility for inclusion in ACH file.

 Install Amount - All Loan/Receivables

Installment Amount is listed for all Loan/Receivables with >$0.00 balance regardless of status or due date.

Install Amount - Repayment Loan/Receivables Installment Amount is listed for all Loan/Receivables in a repayment status (R, Q, S) regardless of due date. These amounts make up the ACH Debit amount when there is no override attached to the ACH record.
ACH Debit Amount Represents the amount entered as an 'Override' or the total of the minimum installment payment required for all Loan/Receivables in a repayment status.  This amount should always be = or > the Install Amount for Repayment Loan/Receivables.

Principal Balance

Current balance of the Loan/Receivable

Totals / Exception Message 'Rpmt not = ACH' message will display when the calculated total ACH amount or the Override ACH amount is not sufficient to cover the total minimum installments for repayment Loan/Receivables.


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