Accounting Feed by Trans. Date

Sample Report

Reports Functions Overview


This report will produce a listing of financial transactions based on your Selection Criteria.   After you click on the 'select report' button, the report displays as shown in the Sample Report below.

Selection Criteria



Effective Dates

Output will be based on the date indicated as effective.

Dates Entered

Output will be based on date transactions were entered into CRC.


Select Independent Campus or All Campuses

Loan/Receivable Type

Selection by Independent Loan/Receivable, Loan/Receivables Groups, All Loan/Receivables

GL Enrty:Unposted

Transactions indicated in OM/LnLedgerMtnce as not yet included in the Accounting Feed Extract (AFE) feed to the institution's financial system.

GL Entry: Posted

Transactions indicated in OM/LnLedgerMtnce as previously included in the Accounting Feed Extract (AFE) and posted to the institution's financial system.

GL Entry: Errors

Transactions which do not have a corresponding account number for the institution's financial system. 

GL Entry: All

Transactions for selected dates regardless of posting status.


From:  Include transactions beginning on this date.  May be blank to include all transactions from inception.

Through: Include transactions with this date includedMay be a future date if desired. Required input mm/dd/yyyy.

Sort By

Campus/Account/Ledger: Transactions are grouped by Campus then listed by Account Name followed by CRC Ledger number.  

Account #: Transactions are grouped by institution's financial  system account number.

Select Report

Detail: Displays the SID, LastName, TransactionType, Date and amount for each transaction.

Summary: Displays one line totals of transactions including the number of transactions, debit, credit and net for each day represented in the selection criteria.

Sample Report



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