Customer Web Updates

Sample Report

Reports Functions Overview


This report will produce a listing of updates made by the Customer through Customer Web Access during the timeframe selected. Entering a Customer ID in the space provided will list only those updates made by that Customer during the time frame selected. Click the Sumbit button, when ready, to run the report.

Selection Criteria




From:  Include transactions beginning on this date.  May be blank to include all transactions from inception.

Through: Include transactions with this date includedMay be a future date if desired. Required input mm/dd/yyyy.

Update Type

All:  Lists all changes of Customer demographic information or on-line interview status made during the selected date range. 

Address:  Lists changes made in address, email, and telephone numbers.

Customer:  Lists changes made to Customer name or driver's license information.

Exit:  Lists the reason and date for status change.


Customer ID

Enter Student number to pull report specific to one account based on selection criteria.

Sample Report



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