Create a New Invoice Cycle

To create a new Invoice Cycle, click the Add icon located in the Function Bar. When this icon is clicked, a new window is opened (see example below) that contains the following:

Data Entry

The user then enters and/or selects the Invoice Cycle information for the appropriate fields.

The number of days covered by a particular Invoice Cycle is based upon the Generate Bills Date and the Loans Due Through Date.

Reset Icon

Click on the Reset icon to restore the data entry form to its initial (blank) state. Any data that was entered in the form will be erased from the display.

Save Icon

To save the Invoice Cycle information, click on the Save icon. Clicking the Save icon will trigger an edit process that validates the user-entered data. If there are any errors, they will be displayed in a pop-up dialog box as shown in this example:

Click on the OK button to acknowledge the errors/warning and return to the entry form. Modify the field(s) in error and again click the Save button.

If there are not any edit errors, the new Invoice Cycle information will be saved, and the pop-up data entry window will be closed. The Invoice Cycles List will be updated to reflect the new job.

Cancel Create Operation

To exit this process without saving the Invoice Cycle information, simply click on the Invoice Cycles List browser window at any time to close the pop-up data entry window.

Running a Invoice Cycle Job

A nightly batch process is used to create and run a job based upon any "scheduled" Invoice Cycle on the night of the specified "Next Run Date". Due to the processing time required to run the Invoice job, a "real-time" processing option is not available.

When a scheduled Invoice Cycle is run, the CLM system first determines the scope of the Invoice Cycle. The scope is based upon both the cycle's Start Date and the presence of any other Invoice Cycles. After the Invoice job is run, a processing entry is recorded in the database and is reflected on the Invoices-Bills screen where it can be reviewed and updated, and the output printed or extracted. The CLM system will also advance the Invoice Cycle's next Generate Bills Date one month. By advancing the date the same Invoice Cycle will be run on the same day next month.

