Download Billing Extract (Data) File

The CLM system provides the ability to download the bills produced by a particular Billing Cycle job as a formatted extract (data) file. Instead of printing the bills locally, the institution can use this function to create a copy of the billing data, and provide it to a third-party for printing and mailing.

To download a billing extract file, click on the diskette icon that is located on the appropriate Billing Cycle Jobs List line (see View/Maintain Billing Cycle Jobs for additional information). When the diskette icon is clicked, a new window is opened that contains the following:

Right-Click on the desired link to initiate the download process. A dialog box is displayed to the user as shown below.

Highlight the "Save Target As..." option and Left-Click. Another dialog box is displayed to prompt the user to specify the directory name and file name for the file being downloaded. Enter the directory and file names and click the Save button. The file will then be downloaded and saved at the specified location.