Due Diligence Mail Setup

In order to generate Due Diligence Mail, a processing job must first be created. Once created and saved, the job is run by a nightly batch process in order to generate the Due Diligence Mail. After the processing run is complete, a results entry is made that is accessed via the Due Diligence Mail function in order to review and print the job output. Optionally, a job setup option allows the job to be run immediately in a "Forecast Only" mode. When run in this mode, the system displays only a count of the borrowers that are in each Loan Age category.

This function is accessed by selecting the Due Diligence Mail Setup function from the drop-down box that appears in the Navigation Bar. When the Due Diligence Mail Setup function is selected, the Outbound Processing screen is updated as follows:

If there are no Due Diligence jobs in the CLM system, the following message is displayed:

The Due Diligence Mail Setup function enables the user to perform the following actions depending on their security profile:

Click on each of the above links for a more detailed description of each of these processing actions.