If a scheduled Due Diligence Mail job has not yet been run (it has a Job Status of "Ready To Run" and does not have a Date Completed value in the Schedule list), the job parameters can be modified.
To revise or update a scheduled Due Diligence Mail job, select the desired job by clicking on the magnifying glass icon located on the left side of the appropriate Due Diligence Mail Schedule List line. When this icon is clicked, a new window is opened (see example below) that contains the following:
A data entry form to be used for revising the Due Diligence Mail job information
A function Bar that contains Save, Delete and Reset icons.
The user then revises the Due Diligence Mail job information by updating the appropriate fields. All fields are required entry.
Click on this link: Data Entry and Edit Guidelines to review information pertaining to what values may be entered into the various fields on the Due Diligence Mail Job Information entry form. Click on this link: General Information to review information pertaining to how each of the data values on this screen are used.
Click on the Reset icon to restore the data entry form to its initial state. Any fields which were modified or updated by the user will be restored to their initial value, that is the value that was displayed when the update form was first opened.
To save the Due Diligence Mail Job information, click on the Save icon. Clicking the Save icon will trigger an edit process that validates the user-entered data. If there are any errors, they will be displayed in a pop-up dialog box as shown in this example:
If there are no errors, but the Invoice Date is found to be a future date, the system will display a warning message as shown in the following example. The purpose of this warning is to notify the user that the counts returned may be artificially inflated by the future invoice date. This is because the Invoice Date is used to "age" the loan and thereby determine if a given loan is past due (and by how much).
Click on the OK button to acknowledge the errors/warning and return to the entry form. Modify the field(s) in error and again click the Save button.
If there are not any edit errors, the new Due Diligence Mail job information will be saved, and the pop-up data entry window will be closed. The Due Diligence Mail Schedule List will be updated (if appropriate) to reflect the revised job information.
If the "Forecast Only?" flag was set to "Yes", the CLM system will also run the job in a Forecasting mode, as indicated by the following:
When the forecast is complete, a message box is displayed to the user indicating the borrower counts for each of the Loan Age categories. Click on the OK button to acknowledge the forecasted counts.
To exit this process without saving the Due Diligence Mail job revisions, simply click on the Due Diligence Mail Schedule List browser window at any time to close the pop-up update window.
A nightly batch process is used to run any scheduled Due Diligence Mail job on the night of the specified "Run Date". Due to the processing time required to run the Due Diligence Mail job, a "real-time" processing option is not available.
When a scheduled Due Diligence Mail Job is run, the job status is changed to "Completed on mm/dd/yyyy". A processing entry is recorded in the database and is reflected on the Due Diligence Mail screen, where it can be reviewed, updated, and/or printed.
If the "Run this again next month" flag was set to "Yes", the CLM system will also create and schedule another Due Diligence Mail job using these same job parameters. This new job will be scheduled to run on the same day next month.
Please note that any Due Diligence Mail Job that has the "Forecast Only?" flag set to "Yes" will NOT be run by the nightly batch process. This flag must be set to "No" in order for the scheduled job to be run.