FISAP Reporting

Sample Reports

Reports Functions Overview


This report provides the details for the U.S. Dept. of Education Annual Fiscal Operations Report - Part III, Sections A, B , C and D.

Selection Criteria



What is the year end closing date

This field should be the most recent fiscal year end.

Include what Campus

Select the applicable campus for the required federal report.

Include Placeholder Records

Placeholder records, if provided, contain cumulative details from systems prior to CRC conversion.

Date Range for
Year-to-Date Totals

The default date range will be July 1 through June 30 of the most recent fiscal year.

Include late fee income on FISAP B line 7

For schools that deposit Late Fees into the Federal fund, this parameter will be Yes.

For schools that deposit Late Fees into an external fund, this parameter will be No.

FISAP Samlpe Screen

Sample Report – Run FISAP AB

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Sample Report – Run FISAP AB


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