Function Bar

Icon Summary

Main Menu

CLM Help


The Function Bar serves primarily as the central location for initiating data insert, update, and delete operations in association with a particular Menu Item/Process. The appearance of the Function Bar will change from screen to screen depending on a number of factors.

For the Home Menu screen, the Function Bar contains only the school name:


For a selected Menu Item and any of its associated Processes, one or more icons may be displayed. Furthermore, some of these icons may be disabled as indicated by a "grayed-out" appearance. The appearance of icons in a Function Bar is determined by the following:

·         The user's security profile does not allow access to the Function designated by the icon

·         The Function designated by the icon is not applicable to the current operation.

For example when the Customer Services/Addresses process is selected, the initial Function Bar that is displayed has only the "Add" icon enabled:

However when a specific address has been selected from the displayed list, the Function Bar icons are enabled as shown here:

Please see the Help information that is provided for each of the Menu Items and their associated Processes for a more detailed description of what icons can be displayed/enabled in the Function Bar.

Icon Summary

The purpose of each icon that may appear in the Function Bar is summarized in the table below.


"Add" function. Clicking this icon will bring up a blank form for entering a new data record.


"Add" function is disabled.


"Save" function. Clicking this icon will either insert a new record (when associated with an "Add" operation) or update an existing record (when associated with an edit operation).

On some screens, such as the Change Password screen, this icon is labeled as "Apply". Clicking this icon will apply the necessary changes/updates to the system data.


"Save" function is disabled.


"Delete" function. Clicking this icon will delete the displayed data record from the database.


"Delete" function is disabled.


"Reset" function. Clicking this icon will undo any unsaved changes made to the data displayed in a form.


"Reset" function is disabled.

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