Default - Missed Payment Aging

Sample Report

Reports Functions Overview


Loan/Receivables are aged from the "date of last payment" rather than from date last current.Non-Federal Default Rate is calculated using the following formula: Delinq Prin Due /(Total PrincAdvanced - Enrolled & In Grace & Postponed & Deferred & Closed & PIF) Provides status/age categories in either summary or detail and consolidated by selected funds.

Selection Criteria




Make selection from the drop down.

Fund Make selection from the drop down
Sub-name Make selection from drop down
Exclude House Accounts (Admin Fees) Put a check in the box provided to Exclude House Accounts (Admin. Fees)

Aged Date

Enter date in the space provided. mm/dd/yyyy


Summary or Detail, make selection from the drop down.


 Default- Missed Payment Aging Data Entry Screen


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Default-Missed Payment 'Summary' Sample Report


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