Payments-Online Gateway

Sample Report

Reports Functions Overview


This report will produce a listing of online gateway payments received between the dates selected. This list may be filtered to list only those payments with specific statuses and/or payment methods. Entering a Customer ID or Trans ID in the space provided will list only the gateway payments represented by that ID. This report is sorted by Customer name; last, first and middle. Click the Submit button, when ready, to run the report.

Selection Criteria




From:  Include transactions beginning on this date. Required input mm/dd/yyyy.

Through: Include transactions with this date included. May be a future date if desired. Required input mm/dd/yyyy.

Payment Method

Provides a list of the type of Payment Method.


Provides a list of the type of Status

Customer ID

Enter Customer ID to view payments for the student.


Enter Transaction ID to view payments by that transaction.

Sample Report


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