Navigation Bar

Main Menu

CRC Help


The Navigation Bar provides the means to perform CRC processes and functions that are associated with a particular Menu Item. It also enables the user to perform certain system-level actions, such as exiting the CRC application, or accessing the online Help guide. The Navigation Bar is comprised of 3 sections:

  1. Selected Menu Item file tab –it highlights the current Menu Item, that is the Menu Item previously selected by the user.
  2. A drop-down box which enables the user to identify/select a specific Process associated with the current Menu Item.
  3. A set of icons which enable the user to navigate the CRC application at a system level. Different icons may appear in the Navigation Bar associated with each Menu Item. The purpose of each icon, together with where they appear, is summarized in the table below.



This icon is always present in the Navigation Bar.

Clicking this icon will return the user to the School Selection screen (if applicable). If the CRC application supports only 1 school/campus, clicking this icon will simply redisplay the Main Menu screen.


This icon is always present in the Navigation Bar.

Clicking this icon will allow the user to Exit the CRC application.


This icon is always present in the Navigation Bar.

Clicking this icon will open up a online Help Page in a new browser window.


This icon is present only on the Customer Services screen's Navigation Bar.

This icon will appear only if the user has been provided with Collector privileges. Clicking this icon will result in the pop-up display of the user's Collections Queue.


This icon is present only on the Customer Services screen's Navigation Bar.

Clicking this icon will return the user to the Find Customers screen, thereby enabling the user to identify and select another Customer to process.


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