Note Maintenance

This function is used to enter and maintain information pertaining to the various Note Types that are utilized within the CLM system. Before a loan can be originated or otherwise inbounded to the CLM system, it MUST have a corresponding record in Note Types. A user cannot inbound or otherwise process a loan within the CLM system without having a corresponding Note Types record. This is because the data contained in the Notes Type record is used when setting up and applying payments, as well as applying benefits to a given loan.

The Note Maintenance function is used to maintain the following information for each type of loan that is used within the CLM system:

This function is accessed by selecting the Note Maintenance function from the drop-down box that appears in the Navigation Bar. When the function is selected, the Office Management screen is updated as follows:

If there are no Note Type records in the CLM system, the following message is displayed:

The Note Types Maintenance function enables the user to perform the following actions depending on their security profile:

Click on each of the above links for a more detailed description of each of these processing actions.