Term Code Definitions

Term Code Definitions Screen Sample

Administration Functions Overview

Establishment of the institution’s Academic Terms allows the user to attach the applicable terms to any Loan/Receivable definition attributes.  This table maintains the Begin and End dates of the terms, which is a requirement for Federal regulations. Additionally, when used for miscellaneous debts where an established due date may be applicable, that date may be added to the Term Schedule parameters at the Attribute level.  These terms may be added on an ‘as-needed’ basis or they may initially be loaded from your Banner Student System and maintained manually from that point.

Data Entry

Field Name


*Term Code

Enter the term as it is represented in your student system, i.e. 201104

Term Description

Enter the text as represented in your student system, i.e. Fall 2011

Term Starts

Enter the first day of the acedemic term. i.e 08/15/2011

Term Ends

Enter the last day of the acedemic term. i.e 08/15/2011

Current Term

If desired, update each term. The Current Term will appear as the first term in the drop down menu selection.


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Add a Term Record Screen Sample


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Term Table Maintenance Sample  With Term Records

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