Administration Functions Overview

Administration Screen

Function List

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The Administration menu item provides authorized users access to functions that can be performed to maintain system-level data. User authorization is setup or changed using the Administration/System Tables/Security Access and Security Users functions. Administration functions are accessed via the drop-down Function box that appears in the Navigation Bar of the Administration Screen. The user can access any function by selecting the appropriate identifier from the drop-down box. When a function is selected it is displayed in the blank section of the Administration Screen or it creates a pop-up window.

Data Entry

Some functions require Data Entry. For example date entry requires MM/DD/YYYY or the user can click on the Calendar Icon to the right of the parameter date.  Data Entry details are provided in each Function Help page.

Function List

The following table provides a brief description of each function that you select from the drop-down box and a link to the associate help documentation for the function by clicking on the name of the function.



Customer Accounts

Accounting Transaction Details

Maintain the ledger entries that have been made for a selected Loan/Receivable.

Add/Edit Customer

Add, edit and delete Customer information such as name and social security number.

Loan/Receivable Details

Add, edit and delete information pertaining to a Customer Loan/Receivables.


View of last reported NSLDS record data.

Post an Adjustment

Perform Administration Adjustments for previously applied dollars.

Reverse a Benefit

Reverse Benefits/Allowances given to Customers.

Reverse Payment (NSF)

Reverse a previously applied payment, and apply non-sufficient fund charge to a Loan/Receivable.


Billing Definitions

Set up jobs to create Invoice-Bills and Invoice-Due Diligence.

Internal Collection Cost Assessment

Runs process to assess Internal Collection Fee to Customers that have Loan/Receivables in Custom Collection Queues.

Paid In Full

Process to finalize Loan/Receivables currently in a "T" status, (closing) , to a "Z" status (Paid in Full).

Pending Processed Refunds

Holding queue for Customer’s where refund transaction has been processed in CRC, yet pending processing of refund through the accounting office.

Refund Overpayments

Create refund transactions for Customers that have overpaid.

Rehabilitation Update

Run the Rehabilitation job to determine on-time payments and either pass or fail the Rehabilitation.

Synchronize CRC with Banner A/R

 For use with replicated Banner debts only. Process will make adjustment transactions to CRC to synchronize debts with post-replicate Banner adjustments.

School Profile

Address - Correspondence

Edit the address and phone number information associated with the location where servicing-related correspondence should be mailed.


Edit the address and phone number information associated with the location where payments should be mailed.

System Tables

Accounting Feed Definitions

Maintain the general ledger table entries associated with a selected Loan/Receivable Definition.

Accounting Feed Definitions Replicate

Copy all existing GL Table rules for a single Loan/Receivable to another Loan/Receivable.

Benefit/Allowance Definitions

Add, edit and delete information pertaining to the Deferments, Postponements, and Cancellations that can be applied to CRC system Loan/Receivables.

Collection Queue

Maintain collection queues, assign Loan/Receivables to queues, run queue allocation jobs.

Letter and Forms

Add and delete CRC letters and correspondence, as well as maintain the "boilerplate" text that comprises them.

Loan/Receivables Definitions

Add, edit and delete information pertaining to Loan/Receivable fund parameters.

Loan/Receivables Definitions Replicate

Copy all existing Loan/Receivable parameters from a single Loan/Receivable to another Loan/Receivable.

Loan/Receivables Mapping

Loan/Receivable Mappings are used during Import/Customer Accounts to map a code in the Source system to a Loan/Receivable definition in CRC.

Security - Access

Define and maintain security group settings and their associated privileges to access system functionality.

Security - Users

Add, edit and delete staff member system access privileges and collections privileges.

System Code Definitions

Add, edit and delete the data values that appear in the various drop-down lists on CRC system pages.

System Configuration

Maintain CRC system configuration parameters. These are institution-defined values that are used in the CRC system as default values, tolerances, settings, and the like.

Term Code Definitions

Provides the term begin/end dates to be automatically populated for Import of loans/receivables.

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