Payments - All

Sample Report

Reports Functions Overview


This report will retrieve all Payments and Reversals within the specified effective or entry date range for the selected user(s). The output is grouped by user, date, Account name and then Customer.

Selection Criteria



Choose a Format Report Format:  Will Produce a formatted report.
Export Format: Will produce a listing of raw data suitable for export.
Group By Campus To Group by Campus put a check in the box provided.
Campus Select desired Campus from the drop down list.

Loan/Receivables Type

Selection by Independent Loan/Receivable, Loan/Receivables Groups, All Loan/Receivables

Age Date

Select Effective or Entered from the radio buttons,  then enter From/Through dates in the supplied fields mm/dd/yyyy.

Sort By

Selection by Date/Customer or Date/Loan Rec. Make Select from drop down.


Select desired individual User or All from the list in the drop down.

Payment Method

Selection by Independent Payment Method or All Payment Methods

Posted Method

Selection by Individual (Customer Services), Imported File, Imported Manual Batch or All.

Status Selectionion by Apllied, Reversed, Applied and Reversed, Unapplied (Pending) or All

Entry Screen Sample



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Sample Report


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