Small Balances

Sample Report

Reports Functions Overview


The report is a listing of all customers/Loan/Receivables that have a principal balance of less than negative $5.00. The report is grouped by Customer last name, and then by Customer SID within the last name grouping. A separate detail line is produced for each Customer Loan/Receivable that meets the selection criteria. A sub-total is produced for each Customer, and the report also provides a grand total for all Customer Loan/Receivables. This report retrieves all Loan/Receivable data (and associated Customer information) from the CRC database that meets the following conditions:

A separate report detail line is created for each Loan/Receivable that is retrieved from the database.

Sample Report





Primary Grouping Line



Customer Last Name. This is the primary grouping field. Within each group all (retrieved) Customers having this Last Name are detailed by SID.

Customer Detail Line



Customer's ID number. This is also the secondary grouping field. A separate detail line is produced for each Customer/Loan/Receivable that is retrieved.

Last Paid



The amount that was last paid on the Loan/Receivable.


The date the last payment was made.

Payment Amount

The regular payment amount for the Loan/Receivable.

Principal Balance

The current Principal Balance of the Loan/Receivable.

Due Date

The date the next scheduled payment is due.

Customer Total Line


LC Bal

The current Late Charge Balance of the Loan/Receivable.

CC Bal

The current Collection Cost Balance of the Loan/Receivable. 

Int Bal

The current Interest Balance of the Loan/Receivable.  


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