Trial Balance Report

Sample Report

Reports Functions Overview


This report produces either a Summary or a Detail report of ledger activity. The summary report lists Debits/Credits, by ledger account, of all un-posted ledger records. The detail report lists all ledger activity for the selected dates, posted and un-posted. (Choosing the Detail format could produce a lengthy report.) Select a Campus, Loan/Receivable type or Name/Sub-Name, From Date (can be blank), Through Date, and Format of the report.

Selection Criteria




Restricts the record selection to ledger records associated with Loan/Receivables for the selected campus.

Loan/Receivable Type

Restricts the record selection to ledger records associated with Loan/Receivables of the selected type, name, or name/sub name.


From:  Include posted and unposted transactions beginning on this date.  May be blank to include all transactions from inception.

Through: Include posted and unposted transactions with this date includedMay be a future date if desired. Required input mm/dd/yyyy.



Make selection from drop down. Summary, Detail-by Transaction Dt., Detail-by Entered Dt., Detail-by Posted Dt.

Sample Report




Ledger Account Number

The CRC ledger account identifier.


Description of this Ledger Account as recorded in the Coded Data Value table.

Balance at (date value)

The total of ledger record transactions which have be marked as ‘posted’ to the General Ledger during the specified dates.

Month-to-Date Debits

The total amount of all unposted debit transactions for this ledger account, that occurred between the From and Through dates.

Month-to-Date Credits

The total amount of unposted credit transactions for this ledger account, that occurred between the From and Through dates.

Balance at (date value)

This value reflects the net amount of all transactions for each ledger account during the specified date range


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