Campaign Mail

Sample Report

Reports Functions Overview


This process provides the ability to send correspondence to selected populations of accounts.  Choices may be picked from multiple groups found in the selection criteria (see sample below).  The Preview Customers button will generate a list of accounts to which the selected letter will be added.  To add the mail to each account, select the  Generate Mail button.  The correspondence to be printed is located in Reports/Printing Queued Mail.

Selection Criteria



Today’s date

This date will be presented in the print queue.  Printed date on the correspondence defaults to the actual Print date for audit purposes.

Print which letter?

Required field prior to the report generation.  Select desired correspondence from the drop down list.

Set Exit Flag?

If set to Yes - A Customer flag will appearon the account.

Exit Flag Date

Required if Set Exit Flag is set to Yes

Sample Parameter Screen


Sample Report


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