Cancellation/Write Off - History

Sample Report

Reports Functions Overview


The report will produce a listing of all Cancellation benefit transactions that were made during the specified date period grouped by Loan/Receivable and Cancellation type. Each detail line identifies the Loan/Receivable name and ID, transaction date, effective dates of the benefit, amounts cancelled for principal, interest, late charge, collection cost and total transaction amount.  Sub-totals and Totals are provided by Cancellation type and Loan/Receivable for the number of Loan/Receivables and dollars cancelled.  Grand total represents all cancellations for the selected date range.

Selection Criteria




From:  Include transactions beginning on this date.  May be blank to include all transactions from inception.

Through: Include transactions with this date includedMay be a future date if desired. Required input mm/dd/yyyy.

Benefit Type

Select All or Independent Cancellation types from the drop down list.

Sample Report




Loan/Receivable Group Line


Loan/Receivable Name

Name of the Loan/Receivables represented by this group.

Cancellation Type Group


Cancellation Type Code

The type of cancellation represented by this group.

Transaction Detail Lines



Customer's name, formatted as "Last Name", "First Name".


Customer ID

Customer's ID.

Trans Date

The date the cancellation was processed on the Loan/Receivable.


This is the effective dates for which the cancellation was granted.


The amount of the Loan/Receivable's principal balance that was cancelled.


The amount of the Loan/Receivable's interest that was cancelled.

Late Charge

The amount of the Loan/Receivable's late charge that was cancelled.

Coll Cost

The amount of the Loan/Receivable's collection cost that was cancelled.


The total amount of the cancellation transaction.


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