This function is used to maintain NSLDS records on a Borrower basis. There is an NSLDS record for each federal loan record in the CLM system. NSLDS records are created when a new federal loan is originated, or when a new loan is created through the Loan Maintenance function.
The NSLDS records are usually updated through the NSLDS "prep", "extract" and "wrap-up" processes. However, it may be necessary to directly edit the NSLDS records in order to correct data that was rejected by NSLDS, or to correct known errors prior to submitting the data to NSLDS.
This function is accessed by selecting the NSLDS Maintenance function from the drop-down box that appears in the Navigation Bar. When the function is selected, the Office Management screen is updated as follows:
A Borrower Selection screen is displayed, as shown in the example below. This selection screen works the same as its counterpart in the Borrower Services area.
To access the NSLDS Maintenance function, the user must first select a specific borrower to work with. To do this, the user enters selection criteria that will either (a) identify a specific (single) borrower, or (b) multiple borrowers that meet the specified selection criteria.
The user can search for a borrower or borrowers using one of the following methods. Click on the appropriate link to learn more about that method:
After the user enters the desired selection criteria and clicks the Find button, one of two possible outcomes will result. The CLM system can potentially find no matching borrowers, or one or more borrowers that match the supplied search criteria.
If no matching borrowers were found, the CLM system will display the following message in the Contents area of the screen:
To respecify, simply enter data into the appropriate search field and click the Find button. The new search result set will then be displayed.
If the system finds one or more borrowers matching the selection criteria, a borrower selection list will be displayed. This list will be comprised of a separate display line for each of the matching borrowers, up to a maximum of 100 lines.
If the borrower you are looking for is not found in the displayed list, respecify your selection criteria to narrow/expand the search result list.
To select a borrower, simply click on the borrower Name link, located on the left-most side of the data line. When the link is clicked, the NSLDS Record List screen is displayed. This screen lists all NSLDS records that are associated with the selected borrower (see example below). Please note: the NSLDS record list will include records that have been deleted (archive flag is "Y"), but not yet archived.
The NSLDS Maintenance function enables the user to perform the following actions depending on their security profile:
Click on each of the above links for a more detailed description of each of these processing actions.