
Family/Personal Screen Samples

Customer Services Functions Overview


The Family & Personal Information screen is composed of three sections, as shown in the example below. The first section is labeled Family Member Information, the second is labeled Personal Information and the third section is labeled Customer Preferences. If any information has been previously recorded it will be displayed on the form; otherwise the form will be blank.

The user can Add or Edit Family and/or Personal information following the Data Entry guidelines and then click on Save icon in the function bar and the screen is refreshed with a message. Note: you may receive an error (see Save Error for details).

Data Entry

*Required Fields



Family Member Information



Enter spouse's name (if known).

Spouse SSN

If entered, format must be "nnn-nn-nnnn" or "nnnnnnnnn".

Spouse is a Customer

Select either "yes" or "no" (if known).

Parent SSN

If entered, format must be "nnn-nn-nnnn" or "nnnnnnnnn".

Customer Lives With

Enter the name of the person the Customer lives with (if known).

Personal Information



Select the appropriate gender.

Driver's License/State

Enter the Customer’s driver’s license number and the select the state from which it was issued.

*Date of Birth

Format must be "mm/dd/yyyy".

*Customer Since

Format must be "mm/dd/yyyy".

*Enrollment Date

Format must be "mm/dd/yyyy".

Communication Preferences
Correspondence Options Choose from Paper, Paperless or Both

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Save Delete Reset Cancel Guidelines

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Save Error

If the information is not entered correctly, the user may receive an error message (see below). Click on the OK button and update the information and click on the Save icon.


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Family/Personal Screen Sample


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