Customer Accounts Functions Overview

Customer Accounts Screen

Find a Customer

Function List

Report Display Navigation Help


Customer Accounts initial screen is to Find a Customer. The user must find a Customer before performing any functions. Once a user finds a Customer, the initial Customer Account Screen is refreshed with the Customer Information and any associated Loan/Receivables. The Customer Accounts menu item provides authorized users access to functions that can be performed to produce various CRC system reports. User authorization is setup or changed using the Security - Users Maintenance function. Customer functions are accessed via the drop-down Function box that appears in the Navigation Bar of the Customer Accounts Screen. The user can access any function by selecting the appropriate identifier from the drop-down box. When a function is selected it is displayed in the middle section of the Customer Accounts Screen or it creates a pop-up window.

Data Entry

Some functions require Data Entry. For example date entry requires MM/DD/YY or the user can click on the Calendar Icon to the right of the parameter date.  Data Entry details are provided in each Function Help page.

Function List

The following table provides a brief description of each function that you select from the drop-down box and a link to the associate help documentation for the function by clicking on the name of the function. Once a Customer is selected, there are also Loan/Receivable Functions.

Customer Accounts Function drop-down list



Customer Accounts Function drop-down box list


Collections Status

A quick-look at the collections status (Queue Placement)of the Customer's Loan/Receivables.

Comments Log

Enter/Review records about Customer contacts and communications. Entry in this field creates a permanent record and may not be edited.


Add and assign values to flags that are to be associated with the Customer.


Review transaction and maintenance histories for Customer-related information.

Loan/Receivables Grid

The Account Grid that displays summary Loan/Receivable-level information for the Customer. This is the default display when the Customer Information screen is initially loaded.


Add a general note for internal purposes pertaining to the Customer via a "note pad". This data may be edited and deleted.


Create a coupon request and/or generate the payment coupons for a Customer.

Disbursement Notices

View or Print Disbursement Notices Letter(s) for Loan/Receivables associated with a Customer.


View bills previously generated for the Customer.


Add/Edit/Print correspondence for a Customer. Selection is from the drop down menu of correspondence in Administration/Letters-Forms

Method Establish or Override customer communication method preference. Options are Paper, Paperless, or Both

Add a New Loan/Receivable

Manually add a new Loan/Receivable for the Customer, outside of the Import process.


Grant Benefits/Allowances for Customers’ Loan/Receivables.


This function allows a user to process exits on all loan/receivables for a customer providing for amortization across multiple loans and allocations of installment payment amount.

Loan Verification Certificate

Federal Loans ONLY. Generate the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) Federal Consolidation Loan Verification Certificate for transmittal to consolidation agency.

Payment Plan Calculator (TRA)

Establish temporary repayment arrangements for the Customer. Option to re-set payment terms and clear past due installment counter.

Student System Hold

Add/View/Edit/Delete hold placed in Banner Student.


ACH Accounts

Add, edit and delete ACH account information for the Customer. This data can be associated with specific Loan/Receivables via the Loan/Receivable-Based Functions.


Add, edit and delete Customer addresses, phone numbers and other related information. Designate a Customer address as a mailing address.


Add, edit or delete a Comaker for a Customer.


Add, edit, and delete Customer employer/employment information. This includes employer name and address, occupation, etc.

Family & Personal

Add and edit information about the Customer's spouse and parents. Add and edit Customer personal information including birth date, enrollment date, and driver's license number.

Financial Calculator

Collections utility used to determine the maximum amount a Customer has available for repayment.

Online Personal Data Form

This function allows a user to view Online Exit Data that was performed on the Customer Web Access (CWA) Exit Interview function.


Add, edit, and delete Customer Reference information. This includes name and address, employment and personal information.

Loan/Receivable Function drop-down box list

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Add/Remove a Comaker for a Loan/Receivable

Credit Report Detail

View the information last reported to the credit bureau for a Loan/Receivable.

Details Summary of view of financial details related to terms of debt.

Exit Detail

View the Loan/Receivable details related to parameters established during the exit process.


Add, edit, or remove Loan/Receivable flags that are information tracking variables for a Loan/Receivable.


View details of transactions for the selected Loan/Receivable based upon the Transaction Groups selected.

Payment Method

Associate a payment method to a Customer’s Loan/Receivable, e.g. Credit Card, ACH Account, etc.

Payment Plan

View or edit Payment Plan for one or more Loan/Receivable. These parameters include frequency, amounts and rates for Installments, Interest, Late Charges and Collection Costs.

Transaction History

View the Transaction History of all financial transactions that have affected the balance of a selected Loan/Receivable.


Comments Log

Enter/review records about Customer contacts and communications.  Entry in this field creates a permanent record and may not be edited.


Amortization Schedule

Create and save amortization schedule to an Export directory and include headers in the schedule. Also can edit the installment amount.

Assignment Form

Federal Loans ONLY: Produces U.S. Dept of Education Assignment Form.


Process exit for selected Loan/Receivable to generate required notifications, change the status in preparation for repayment, and establish payment plan. If Customer has more than one Federal Loan to be exited, you must exit through Import/Exits or through Select Customer Accounts Function.


Adjust an existing Loan/Receivable.

Payment Plan Calculator

Calculate a Temporary Repayment Arrangement (TRA) for one or more Loan/Receivables. Option to re-set payment terms and clear past due installment counter.

Post a Payment

Manually post a payment directly to a Loan/Receivable or multiple Loan/Receivables, bypassing the payment application rules used as part of the Import/Apply Lock-box Payments function.

Re-Enroll Loan/Receivables

Re-enroll Customer Loan/Receivables that do not currently have a status of “E.”

Refer to Collections Queue

Refer one or more Loan/Receivables to a Custom or External collection queue.


Federal Loans ONLY: The Rehabilitation option is used to give Customers who have become delinquent, the opportunity to bring their Loan/Receivables current by agreeing to a payment amount/frequency. Rehabilitations are only valid for Perkins and NDSL Loan/Receivables that are currently in repayment.

Remove From Collections Queue

This function will remove the selected accounts from the existing collection queue;  the collections job runs to re-calculate the age and place the receivable in the appropriate system queue if the account is not current. Option it de-celerate is presented.

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