Log-on Process

System Access Privileges

Session Time-out

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To log onto the CRC application you will need to have a User ID and a Password assigned to you by your CRC system administrator. You will be required to enter this ID and Password each time you log onto the system.

Guidelines for creating User IDs and Passwords are as follows:

User ID

Must be at least 4 characters long, with a maximum of 10 characters

Can be comprised of any alphanumeric character.


Must be at least 6 characters long, with a maximum of 10 characters.

Can be comprised of any alphanumeric character.

It is highly recommended that the Password contain at least 1 numeric character if it otherwise comprised of all alpha characters.

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System Access Privileges

Your User ID and Password will also determine what types of things you can do within the CRC system once you log on. When the system administrator creates your ID, they will also establish a security profile for you. This profile will identify which CRC Menu Items you can access, which Processes within a Menu selection you can access, and which Functions associated with a Process you can perform. Please see your system administrator to gain access to CRC functionality.

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Session Time-out

When you log onto the CRC system, a "session" is created to track what you do, and to record in the database the results of processing actions you initiate.

For security reasons, your session will expire after an extended period of inactivity. Once your session expires, you will be required to log back into the system. Any processing action that was not complete at the time your session expired is not applied to the system.

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