Reverse Payments/NSF


Find Customer

Administration Functions Overview


When the ReversePayment (NSF) function is selected, the Find Customer screen is displayed in order to select a Customer to reverse (un-apply) a previously-applied Customer payment.

When a Customer is selected, the Reverse Payment (NSF) Screen is displayed that lists all payments that are associated with the selected Customer (see sample below). The current date is the default Reverse Payment (NSF) date. You can change the date using MM/DD/YYYY format. To reverse a Payment, click on the Reverse button. A Pop-up Window will display. Click on OK to reverse the benefit and return the Loan/Receivable to its prior status or click on the Cancel button. Payments that have already been reversed (if any) are indicated by the light-blue background and the absence of a Reverse button. Payments that can be reversed are indicated by a Reverse button.

The reversal process has an option to assess NSF fees at the time the reversal is applied. This function will make all appropriate Chronological History and Ledger entries as part of the Reverse Payment (NSF) process.

Reverse Payment (NSF) List Screen Sample


If no payment records currently exist for the selected Customer, the following is displayed:

Pop-up Window

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