
Screen Samples

Addresses screen

Customer Services Functions Overview


Enter/Edit the address and phone number information associated with the location where servicing related correspondence should be mailed. All correspondence generated through the Customer Accounts/Mail and Export/Benefit Mail defaults to this address.

Data Entry

*Required Fields - Note: some information displayed may not be displayed depending on the type of “person” or “school.”

Field Name


Address Description

User-defined address description, e.g. Primary, Parents, etc.


Informational purposes only. Enter the date that this address is valid.


Informational purposes only. Enter date this address became invalid.

Bad Since

Enter the date when this address was indicated as ‘Bad’. This feature will NOT prevent mail from being generated. See Customer Flags.

Care of

Enter the name of the person/company that it should be in Care of

Day Phone/Ext

Enter the phone number best used during the day


Enter the Street

Evening Phone/Ext

Enter the phone number best used in the evening


Enter the fax number


Enter the city




Enter the zip code


Carrier Route

Cell Phone

Enter the Cell phone number.


If it is a foreign address, enter the Country.


Enter the primary e-mail address.


Add any remarks regarding the address.

By Whom

Name of person giving information or person entering the remark

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Add Addresses and Phone Sample


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Edit Delete Addresses and Phone Sample

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