Customer Flags

Flag Screen Overview

Customer Flags Screen Sample

Student Holds Overview

Customer Services Functions Overview


All Customer flags which have been defined in Administration/System Code Definitions/ Flags_BS are displayed on this screen.  Users may add/delete/edit flags in OM/CDV for own purposes.  Any flag that is currently assigned to the Customer appears in bold font. Some Customer flags are automatically set by CRC as a result of certain processing actions. This function allows a user to Add/Update or Remove a Flag. The user can also Exclude a Student from all CRC Holds.

Add/Update a Flag

The variable that represents a particular flag can be in one of four formats. The flag may be represented as a date, a yes/no value, an ASCII string, or a numeric value (see Data Entry for details). To assign a flag to a Customer, enter the appropriate type of data into the corresponding field. You can also update an existing flag to another value in this same way. At any time, you can click on the Reset icon to restore the Customer’s flags to their initial state. To save the Customer’s flag settings, click on the Save icon in the function bar. To exit this process, simply choose another function from the drop-down box. The Flags window will be closed.

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Data Entry






Accelerated On Flag date


Attempting Rehab (yes or no) from drop-down box


Bad Address


Collections Since


Temp Repayment Arrangement (yes or no) from drop-down box


Bankruptcy Filed


Excluded from all Student System Holds (yes or no) from drop-down box


Indicates text on Notepad exists

Bill Hold Flags


Bill Hold Flag

Select flag from drop-down box

Held by Whom


Bill Hold From

Begin date for Bill Hold

Bill Hold Trough

End date for Bill Hold

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Save Reset Cancel Guidelines

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Remove a Flag

To remove a flag from a Customer’s record, check the box in the "Remove" column for that flag and then click on the Save icon in the function bar. It is not necessary to erase the current flag value. To exit this process, simply choose another function from the drop-down box. The Flags window will be closed.

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Excluding a Student from all CRC Holds

Set the ExcludeStdHold field to a Yes in the Customer Flags in order to prevent any updates to the Banner Student Holds for this single Customer and then click on the Save icon in the function bar. Once the flag is set to Yes any attempt to post a manual hold against that Customer fails with the message:


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Customer Flags Screen Sample


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