
Add Edit Delete

References Information Screen Samples

References List screen

Customer Services Functions Overview


The Reference Information screen is displayed when the user clicks on the Magnifying Glass icon in the References List screen to edit or delete an existing Reference. The Add Reference Information screen is displayed when the user clicks on the Add icon, or the “Click to add a new Reference” message in the References List screen.

Add a new Reference

Follow the Data Entry guidelines below and then click on the Save icon in the function bar. The window closes and returns to the References List screen displaying the new Reference.

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Edit an existing Reference

Edit the appropriate fields following the Data Entry guidelines below and then click on the Save icon in the function bar. The window closes and returns to the References List screen.

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Delete an existing Reference

To delete an existing Reference, click on the Delete icon in the function bar. A window will open (see below). Click on the OK button to delete the Reference and the window closes and returns to the References List screen with the Reference removed.

NOTE: If the Delete icon is not enabled, you do not have the security privileges necessary to delete this data.

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Data Entry

*Required Fields




Select from drop-down box

*First Name

Enter personal reference’s first name

Middle Init

Enter personal reference’s middle initial (if known)

*Last Name

Enter personal reference’s last name


The personal reference’s Suffix (if appropriate)


The social security number of the personal reference. The format must be "nnnnnnnnn" or "nnn-nn-nnnn"


The personal reference’s Citizenship


The personal reference’s gender from the drop-down box


Select the personal reference’s relationship to the Customer from the drop-down box


The personal reference’s occupation


The personal reference’s Employer

Marital Status

The personal reference’s Marital Status

*Known Since

The estimated date since the Customer knew he personal reference


Any notes or additional information about the personal reference

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Save Delete Reset Cancel Guidelines

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Reference Information Screen Sample

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Add Reference Screen Sample

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