Collection Queue Maintenance

Load Properties, Filter Properties

Collection Queue Load Properties Sample


Collection Queue Filter Sample

Administration Functions Overview

Load Properties Description

This function is used to update Load Properties. Load Properties are used for the Collection Queues Process.

Data Entry

*Required Fields



 Account Name Upper Bound/Lower Bound

If entered, must have a format of alpha

While the value is not required, not entering a proper value (such as a  Aa) may result in the queue not being loaded as desired.

 Account Type (F,H,I)

If entered, must have a format of nnn.  NOTE: The highest defined queue level should not contain an upper bound value to allow for placement of any Loan/Receivable aged greater than the lower bound value.

While the value is not required, not entering a proper value (such as a negative number) may result in the queue not being loaded as desired.


If entered, must have a format of alpha


While the value is not required, not entering a proper value (such as a Aa) may result in the queue not being loaded as desired.

Days Past Due Upper Bound/Lower Bound

If entered, must have a format of nnn


While the value is not required, not entering a proper value (such as a negative number) may result in the queue not being loaded as desired.

Last Name Lower Bound

If entered, must have a format of alpha


While the value is not required, not entering a proper value (such as Aa) may result in the queue not being loaded as desired.

 Principle Balane Upper Bound/Lower Bound

If entered, must have a format of nnn


While the value is not required, not entering a proper value (such as negative number) may result in the queue not being loaded as desired.

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Save, Reset, Cancel Guidelines

Save Error

To save the revised Load Properties information, click on the Save icon. Clicking the Save icon will trigger an edit process that validates the user-entered data. If there are any errors, they will be displayed in a pop-up dialog box.

Click on the OK button to acknowledge the errors and return to the entry form. Modify the field(s) in error and again click the Save button. If there are not any edit errors, the updated Load Properties information will be written to the database, and the pop-up update window will be closed.

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Collection Queue Load Properties Sample

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Filter Description

This function is used to update Filter Properties. The Filter Properties can be used in the Collection Queue View.  The Collection Queue View displays all Collection Queues or Filters the Queues based upon the Filter Properties.

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Data Entry

The user updates the Filter Properties by entering or revising data in the appropriate fields. One or more of the Filter Properties can be given Lower Bound and/or Upper Bound values (see below for details). For one of the Filter Properties, it is also possible to specify a Sort Order by clicking on either the Ascending or Descending button for that property.




Edits Performed (or Recommendations)

Account Name Lower/Upper Bounds


10  Alpha characters

If entered, must have a format of alpha

While the value is not required, not entering a proper value (such as  Aa) may result in the queue not being loaded as desired.


Acct. Type (F,H,I)


1  Alpha character

If entered, must have a format of alpha

While the value is not required, not entering a proper value (such as A) may result in the queue not being loaded as desired.


Amount Past Due Lower/Upper Bounds


7 numeric characters

If entered, must have a format of 123

While the value is not required, not entering a proper value (such as a negative number) may result in the queue not being loaded as desired.


Campus Lower/Upper Bound


2  Alphanumeric characters

If entered, must have a format of alphanumeric

While the value is not required, not entering a proper value (such as a negative number) may result in the queue not being loaded as desired.


Cohort Date Lower/Upper Bound Optional 10 Alphanumeric characters If entered, format must be mm/dd/yyyy

Customer ID Lower/Upper Bound


9 Alphanumeric characters

If entered, must have a format of alphanumeric

While the value is not required, not entering a proper value (such as a negative number) may result in the queue not being loaded as desired.

Days Past Due Lower/Upper Bound


3 numeric characters

If entered, must have a format of nnn

While the value is not required, not entering a proper value (such as a negative number) may result in the queue not being loaded as desired.

Last Name Lower/Upper Bound


Alphanumeric characters

If entered, must have a format of ALPHA


Open Date Lower/Upper Bound


10 Alphanumeric characters

If entered, format must be mm/dd/yyyy

Principal Balance Lower/Upper Bound


10 Numeric characters

If entered, must have a format of nnn

While the value is not required, not entering a proper value (such as a negative number) may result in the queue not being loaded as desired.

Referral Date Lower/Upper Bound


10 Alphanumeric characters

If entered, format must be mm/dd/yyyy

Review Date Lower Bound


10 Alphanumeric characters

If entered, format must be mm/dd/yyyy

Zip Code Lower/Upper Bound


10 Alphanumeric characters

If entered, must have a format of ALPHA/NUMERIC


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Save, Reset, Cancel Guidelines

Save Error

To save the revised Filter Properties information, click on the Save icon. Clicking the Save icon will trigger an edit process that validates the user-entered data. If there are any errors, they will be displayed in a pop-up dialog box.

Click on the OK button to acknowledge the errors and return to the entry form. Modify the field(s) in error and again click the Save button. If there are not any edit errors, the updated Filter Properties information will be written to the database, and the pop-up update window will be closed.

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Collection Queue Filter Sample

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