Collection Queue Overview

Collection Queue Maintenance

Administration Functions Overview


Loan/Receivables are administered in Collections via "queues". Depending on the queue type, Loan/Receivables can be loaded to the queue, transferred between queues, and/or worked from within the particular queue to which they are assigned. The Administration Collection Queue Maintenance function is concerned with the definition, set up, and administration of the various CRC collection queues. Please see the chapter entitled Collection Status for information on the Customer Services Collections function.

The CRC system has 3 types of Collection Queues: System, Custom, and External. These differ primarily with regards to how they are loaded and how the Loan/Receivables within them are maintained.

There are four (4) deliveredSystem Collection Queues that come with the CRC; these are organized based upon the number of days delinquent a resident Loan/Receivable is: 30-59 days, 60-89 days, 90-119 days, and 120+ days. The System Queues are loaded automatically whenever the Load Collection Queues job is run. This job processes all Loan/Receivables in the system, and assigns a Loan/Receivable to the proper System Collection Queue based upon the number of days delinquent. Furthermore, this job will also automatically migrate a Loan/Receivable from one queue to another as its days delinquent value increases. The Load Collection Queues job will be run automatically in the nightly "batch" processes, or can be initiated manually via the Collection Queue List maintenance screen.

Additional System Queues can be created by the user to further refine the allocation of Loan/Receivables based upon number of days delinquent and/or last name. 

Loan/Receivables that are assigned to a System Collection Queue will have a Status of "Q".

Custom Collection Queues are internal queues created by the CRC user. Custom Queues act as a type of Collections "holding” area for Loan/Receivables that are past due. Loan/Receivables can be transferred to a Custom Queue from a System Queue;  However, once a Loan/Receivable is transferred to a Custom Queue, it will be bypassed by the Load Collection Queue process. For example, a Loan/Receivable may actually be 90 days delinquent, but because it was transferred to a Custom Queue, the Loan/Receivable does not show in the appropriate System Collection Queue. A Loan/Receivable remains in the Custom Queue until it is either manually transferred to a System or External Collection Queue or systematically removed by the Load Collection Queues job when the Loan/Receivable is no longer past due or paid in full.  Loan/Receivables that are assigned to a System Collection Queue will have a Status of "Q".

External Collection Queues are used to track and maintain Loan/Receivables that are being handled by an external collection agency or special in-house handling. These queues are similar in function and administration to Custom Collection Queues. Like Custom Queues, Loan/Receivables can be transferred to an External Queue from a System Queue. However the Loan/Receivables that are transferred to an External Queue are provided with a Status of "S". A Loan/Receivable remains in the External Queue until it is manually removed from to a System or Custom Collection Queue. If a Loan/Receivable is transferred from an External Queue to either a System or Custom Queue, the Loan/Receivable status is changed (back) to "Q".

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