General Ledger Table Maintenance

This function is used to enter and maintain information pertaining to the various General Ledger records that are utilized within the CLM system. General Ledger records are associated with a particular Campus, Loan Name, and Loan Sub Name. These records provide the link between the CLM ledger account numbers and the corresponding account within the school's General Ledger accounting system (as identified by Campus Account Number and Object Code).

PLEASE NOTE: Extreme care should be taken when using this function. Because this function directly edits data within the CLM database, its use may have unintended or unanticipated results. It is strongly suggested that access to the Office Management functions be restricted to reduce the chance of system problems.

This function is accessed by selecting the General Ledger Table Maintenance function from the drop-down box that appears in the Navigation Bar. When the function is selected, the Office Management screen is updated as follows:

The user should select both a Campus Code and a Loan Name/Sub Name combination from the selection lists, and then click the Go button. Performing this action will result in the following:

The General Ledger Table Maintenance function enables the user to perform the following actions depending on their security profile:

Click on each of the above links for a more detailed description of each of these processing actions.