Loan/Receivable Maintenance

Benefit List

Loan/Receivable Maintenance List screen

Benefit List Screen Sample

Edit Delete Benefit

Administration Functions Overview


This screen is displayed when selecting the Benefit component in the Loan/Receivable Maintenance List screen. This function provides access to information pertaining to the Benefits/Allowances that have been applied to the Loan/Receivable (if any). A list of Benefits/Allowances is presented; when a benefit is selected, information pertaining to the benefit can be maintained.

If the selected Loan/Receivable has not had any Benefits/Allowances applied to it, the window will contain an informational message to that effect (as shown in the following example). No further action is possible using this function until a benefit has been applied to the Loan/Receivable.



To Edit a Benefit, select the desired benefit by clicking on the magnifying glass icon located on the left of the associated line in the Benefits/Allowances List window. When a benefit is selected, a new window is opened (see Benefit/Allowance Edit Delete for more details).

NOTE:  CRC recommends that the user make any needed changes to a processed benefit in the following manner:  1- Administraion/Benefit/Allowance Reversal, 2- Customer Service/Benefits/Allowances - re-process the benefit with corrected data.

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Loan/Receivable Maintenance Benefit List Screen Sample

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