Loan/Receivable Details


Find Customer

Loan/Receivable Components

Loan/Receivable Details List Sample

Administration Functions Overview


This function is displayed after performing Find a Customer. This function is used to maintain Loan/Receivable data on a Customer basis. Loan/Receivable records are created when either a new Customer is added to the database, or when a new Loan/Receivable for an existing Customer is originated.

PLEASE NOTE:Extreme care should be taken when using this function. Because this function directly edits data within the CRC database, its use may have unintended or unanticipated results. For example a user could intentionally or inadvertently reduce a Loan/Receivable's principal balance by using the Loan/Receivable Details functions, even though the Customer has not paid down the Loan/Receivable. Similarly, it is possible to alter a Loan/Receivable's Installment Amount outside of the Exit/Disclosure process. For these reasons, it is strongly suggested that access to the Administration functions be restricted to reduce the chance of system problems.

The Loan/Receivable List display is comprised of two sections. The lower section is a list of all Loan/Receivables (deleted or active) for the Customer. A scroll bar is present (if needed) to enable the user to view all the Customer's Loan/Receivables for selection purposes. A Loan/Receivable is selected by clicking on the "radio" button located on the left side of each Loan/Receivable display line. Only one Loan/Receivable can be selected at a time. The second section is a drop-down box of Loan/Receivable record components that can be maintained through this function. Clicking on this box will present a list of Loan/Receivable components that can be maintained depending on the user's security profile. The user can select a component and then click on the Go button, which will then display a new screen. Click on the Loan/Receivable components below for more details.

Loan/Receivable Components




Presents Loan/Receivable identification and status information, collections-related information, credit bureau rating and report date, and other general Loan/Receivable information.


Presents detailed repayment and Loan/Receivable balance information for the selected Loan/Receivable. This includes payment method and due date, payment plan information (principal, interest, late charge and collection costs details), and Loan/Receivable balance details. The latter shows amounts, amounts paid, cancelled and defaulted, and balances (broken out by principal, interest, late charge, and collection costs).


Presents information pertaining to the selected Loan/Receivable's origination process. This information includes the completed/printed/mailed dates, and disbursement-related information.


Presents information pertaining to the selected Loan/Receivable's exit process. This information includes the prepared/printed/completed/incomplete dates, and repayment dates.


Presents information pertaining to the Benefits/Allowances that have been applied to the Loan/Receivable (if any). A list of Benefits/Allowances is presented; when a benefit is selected, information pertaining to the benefit can be maintained.

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Note: Some Loan/Receivables may not have Benefits/Allowances, and this screen will be displayed:


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Loan/Receivable Details List Sample


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