Edit Delete

Find Customer

Delete an NSLDS

NSLDS Data Screen Sample

Administration Functions Overview


This screen is displayed when clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the NSLDS Maintenance List screen. This primary function is to view the data that CRC has reported to NSLDS.  However, in rare instances, it may be necessary to manually edit NSLDS records prior to submission of the file to NSLDS. 

Normally the NSLDS records are prepared, updated and extracted by the Export/NSLDS processes that are used to create the data file submitted to NSLDS. There is an NSLDS record for each federal Loan/Receivable record in the CRC system. NSLDS records are created when a new federal Loan/Receivable is originated, or when a new Loan/Receivable is created through the Loan/Receivable Details function.

Note:  The user should be aware that the data fields are compiled from activity and transactions on an individual Loan/Receivable.  Changing the values on this screen will not update the source of the data and therefore will be returned to original with the next extract process.  Correction of NSLDS errors should occur within the Loan/Receivable Loan/Receivable.

Data Entry

The user updates the personal reference information by entering or revising data in the appropriate fields. Practically all fields are required entry; the fields where a blank value is permitted are indicated in the NSLDS Data Entry and Edit Guidelines. NOTE: Many of the fields displayed on the NSLDS Information screen require a value that is based on the underlying Loan/Receivable or Customer information. Examples of these fields include Loan/Receivable Balance, Loan/Receivable Status and Deferment Type. Care should be taken when updating the selected NSLDS record's information so as to not misrepresent the actual Customer Loan/Receivable data.

*Required Fields.

Field Name

CRC Update Location

Customer Information


*First Name

Administration/Customer Maintenance

*Middle Name

Administration/Customer Maintenance

*Last Name

Administration/Customer Maintenance

New First Name

System Generated

*Academic Level

Administration/Loan/Receivable Details - Main

Campus Code

Administration/System Configuration/Campus Parameters


Administration/Customer Maintenance


System Generated

*Pseudo SSN Flag

Administration/Customer Maintenance

*Date of Birth

Administration/Customer Maintenance

New Date of Birth

System Generated

*Enroll Begin Date

Administration/Loan/Receivable Details - Main

*Enroll End Date

Administration/Loan/Receivable Details - Main

*Enroll Status Date

Administration/Loan/Receivable Detail - Main

*Enrollment Status

Value must be from drop-down list. See the current NSLDS specification (Table B-3) for an explanation of each value.

Loan/Receivable Information


*Loan/Receivable Type

Administration/Loan/Receivable Definitions/NSLDS Type

New Loan/Receivable Type

System Generated

*APR (Interest Rate)

Administration/Loan/Receivable Details - Financial

*Date Entered Repayment

Administration/Loan/Receivable Details – Exit

Begin date or last disbursement date when there is not an exit record.

*Loan/Receivable Status

System Generated

*Loan/Receivable Status Date

System Generated

Last Activity Date

System Generated

*Loan/Receivable Amount

Administration/Loan/Receivable Details - Financial

*Amount Disbursed

Details/Loan/Receivable Details - Financial

*Loan/Receivable Balance

Administration/Loan/Receivable Details - Financial

*Balance Date

Administration/Loan/Receivable Details – Financial; If paid date > prep date, reporting date is used.

*First Disbursement Date

Administration/Loan/Receivable Details - Main

New First Disbursement Date

System Generated

*Last Disbursement Date

BS/Loan/Receivable History – Last Disbursement

Deferment Type

Administration/Loan/Receivables Maintenance – Benefits/Allowances (from History)

Deferment Begin Date

Administration/Loan/Recievables Maintenance – Benefits/Allowances (from History)

Deferment End Date

Administration/Loan/Receivables Maintenance – Benefits/Allowances (from History)

Last Cancellation Type

Administration/Loan/Receivables Maintenance – Benefits/Allowances (from History)

Last Cancellation Date

Administration/Loan/Receivables Maintenance – Benefits/Allowances (from History)

Amount Cancelled

Administration/Loan/Receivables Maintenance – Benefits/Allowances (from History)

Grant Repaid Date


Grant Overpay Flag



OM/SysConfig/Campus Parameters


System Generated

OPEIDCurrent School

From information provided during Benefit processing for Student Deferment at another institution.

Servicer Code


NSLDS Information


*Created Date

System Generated

*Updated Date

System Generated

*Extracted Date

System Generated

Servicer Date

System Generated

Update Method

System Generated

Force Extract


Skip Record

If set to "S", the "prep" process will skip this record.



*Archive Flag

Value must be from drop-down list. If Archived, the Loan/Receivable will no longer report on the NSLDS file.  To re-activate reporting, Change a ‘Y’ flag to ‘N’.

Save, Delete Reset, Cancel Guidelines

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Save Error

Clicking the Save icon will trigger an edit process that validates the user-entered data. If there are any errors, they will be displayed in a pop-up dialog box as shown in this example:

Click on the OK button to acknowledge the errors and return to the entry form. Modify the field(s) in error and again click the Save button. If there are not any edit errors, the updated NSLDS information will be written to the database, and the pop-up update window will be closed. The NSLDS Record List will be updated (if appropriate) to reflect the revised NSLDS information.

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Delete Customer Error

Note:An NSLDS record cannot be deleted if it is associated with an existing Loan/Receivable record. The Loan/Receivable must be deleted before the NSLDS record can be deleted.

An edit process is then triggered to ensure that there is not an Loan/Receivable in the system currently associated with the NSLDS record. If this edits fails, an error message will be displayed in a pop-up dialog box as shown in this example:

"Undelete" an NSLDS

If the NSLDS data complies with the edit, the NSLDS record will be deleted, and the pop-up window will be closed. The NSLDS Record List will still reflect the NSLDS record however. This is because the NSLDS record is not removed until the archive process is run, thereby enabling the user to "undelete" the record by setting the archive flag to "No".

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NSLDS Data Screen Sample

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