Add Edit Delete Credit Bureau Parameters

Credit Bureau Parameters List

System Configuration Parameters Maintenance

Administration Functions Overview


This Add Credit Bureau Screen is displayed empty when clicking on the Add icon in the Credit Bureau Parameters List screen or the Edit Delete Credit Bureau Screen is displayed by clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the Credit Bureau Parameters List screen.

To Add a new Credit Bureau, enter the information following data entry guidelines below and then click on the Save icon in the function bar. To Delete an existing Credit Bureau, click on the Delete icon in the function bar. To Edit an existing Credit Bureau, change the appropriate fields and then click on the Save icon in the function bar. See Save, Delete, Reset, Cancel Guidelines for more details.

Data Entry


*Field Name


*Credit Bureau Name

Name of agency to which report will be sent

*Internal ID #

The Institution’s Identification assigned by the Credit Bureau Agency

*Agency ID #

The Credit Bureau’s Identification number

*Reporter Name

Responsible party to contact at Institution

*Address Line 1

Institution Address

Address Line 2

Institution Address


Institution Address


Institution Address


Institution Address

Reporter Phone Number

Responsible party’s contact number

*Metro File Format

Select the current reporting format  (ex. 2)

Save, Delete Reset, Cancel Guidelines

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Add Credit Bureau Parameters Screen sample

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Edit Delete Credit Bureau Parameters

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