Import/Export Parameters

System Configuration Parameters Maintenance

Administartion Functions Overview


This Screen is accessed by selecting the Import/Export Parameters function from the drop-down box of the System Configuration Parameters Maintenance screen.

The Import/Export Parameters function allows the user to establish the directory locations for Import, Export and NSLDS files. It also allows the user to edit the Accounting Feed Extract (AFE) information. When the user edits the parameters (see Data Entry below), click on the Save icon in the function bar. See Save Reset Guidelines for more details.

Data Entry

Field Name


Import Directory

Value entered should be the path to the directory on the web application server where the import files are to be accessed.

 Export Directory

Value entered should be the path to the directory on the web application server where the Export files are to be written.

NSLDS Directory

Value entered should be the path to the directory on the web application server where the NSLDS (Export) files are to be written.

Acctg. Feed BannerBank or CLM CoA

Code used in the Accounting Feed Extract to define the Bank or Chart of Accounts (COA) number.

Acctg. Feed ORG Code 

Institution’s Code

Acctg. Feed Format

Select the file formats from drop down menu

Use Customer ID as Primary ID

Selection determines either Customer ID or SSN for Primary ID

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Import/Export Parameters Screen sample



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