Refund Overpayments


Administration Adjustment Screen Sample

Refunds  List Sample

Administration Functions Overview


The Refund Overpayments option will display Customers that have overpaid one or more of their student Loan/Receivables. To process a Refund Overpayments transaction, select the appropriate Customers and click the Saveicon in the function bar.  If the refund is successful a pop up window is displayed (see sample below).

·        The Adjust Overpayment Amount link is displayed if a Customer has an overpaid amount for a Loan/Receivable or Loan/Receivables, but has other Loan/Receivables with remaining balances.  When clicking the Adjust Overpayment Amount link a new window is displayed (see Post Payment for details).


When clicking on the View Refund Queue link a new window is displayed (see Refund Queue for details).

Refund Overpayments List Sample

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Successful Refund Popup Sample


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