Post an Adjustment

Find Customer

Post an Adjustment Screen Sample

Customer Accounts Functions Overview


The Post an Adjustment Screen is displayed when the user selects Post a Payment in the Account grid drop-down box in Customer Services. It is also displayed when the Post an Adjustment function is selected in Administration, the Find Customer screen is displayed in order to select a Customer. When you click on a Customer in the Find Customer screen, the Post an Adjustment Screen will display all the Loan/Receivables for the for possible payment posting. When the A payment may be applied to one or more Loan/Receivables.

Generally payments are applied to Customer Loan/Receivables via the Import/Apply Payments function or manually via Customer Services/Post a Payment. Under certain circumstances however, it may prove necessary to apply an adjustment to a previously applied payment to one or more Loan/Receivables in a Customer's account.

Data Entry

*Required Fields

Field Name


Loan/Receivable Detail Line

Check the box to include a Loan/Receivable in payment or payment adjustment. 

Apply overpayment to principal

When un-checked, this payment will be recorded  as ‘paid ahead’. Otherwise, the payment amount will be allocated as a current reduction to principal.

System Populated Row:  Read-Only


Paid Ahead

Represents dollars on a Loan/Receivable that are indicated as ‘paid ahead’. This amount does not indicate a refund of excess payment of the Loan/Receivable principal.


Current amount due


Current amount due

Late Fee

Current amount due

Coll. Fee

Internal Collection Fees (assessed to the Admin Fee Loan/Receivable account)


Represents the percentage of Agency fees, if any, which will be adjusted on the pmt adjustment.


Current amount due on a Loan/Receivable

User Input Row: Empty boxes beneath each payment allocation field.

Enter (+) or (-) values for specified fields or enter the total for each Loan/Receivable line.

*Selection:  Based on user input, the system MUST calculate either the Recal Total or Recalc Payments amount.

Recalc Total: Select this button to allow the system to compute and populate the Total of user entered distribution fields.

Recalc Payments: Select this button to allow the system to compute and populate the distribution of user-input total value.

Payment Summary Section


Override Priorities

Not Applicable for Adjustments

Payments: Ck to allow manual override as needed

Net Collection Fees

Not Applicable for Adjustments



Ckd – distributes 100% of entered payment amount to late fees, interest and principal – no agency fees will be withheld.

Un-ckd – distributes payment to specified agency fees, late fees, interest, and principal.

*Payment Date

Format must be "mm/dd/yyyy". Defaults to the current date. The date can be changed to represent values for a previous date.


Typically, in an adjustment situation, this value will = 0.00 Format must be 'nnnnnnn.nn'.

*Selection:  Based on user input, the system MUST calculate either the Total field or the Distribution amounts.

Recalc Summary: Select this button to allow the system to compute and populate the Total of user entered distribution fields.

Allocate Total: Select this button to allow the system to make the distribution across all eligible Loan/Receivables.

Payment Method

Administration/Adjustments:  Defaults to Administration Adjustment (OMAD).  Not Updatable.

BS/Payments: Select from drop-down list.

Check/Reference Number

User input.

Loan/Receivable Detail Line

Check the box to include an Loan/Receivable in payment or adjustment. 

Apply overpayment to principal

When un-checked, this payment will be recorded  as ‘paid ahead’. Otherwise, the payment amount will be allocated as a current reduction to principal.

System Populated Row:  Read-Only



Represents dollars on an Loan/Receivable that are indicated as ‘paid ahead’. This amount does not indicate a refund of excess payment of the Loan/Receivable principal.


Current amount due


Current amount due

Late Fee

Current amount due

Coll. Fee

Internal Collection Fees (assessed to the Admin Fee Loan/Receivable account)


Represents the percentage of Agency fees, if any, which will be adjusted on the pmt adjustment.

Save, Delete Reset, Cancel Guidelines

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Save Error

Clicking the Save icon will trigger an edit process that validates the user-entered data. If there are any errors, they will be displayed in a pop-up dialog box as shown in this example:

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Post an Adjustment Screen from Customer Accounts
(To post an adjustment from Customer Accounts, place a check mark in the 'Adjustment box')

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Post an Adjustment Screen from Administraion

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