Credit Report Detail

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Credit Report Detail Screen Samples

Customer Services Functions Overview


This function provides details of the previous reported information to credit bureaus and allows the user to enter Overrides. See Edit Credit Report Detail.

Edit existing Credit Report Detail

Edit the appropriate fields following the Data Entry guidelines below and then click on the Save icon in the function bar. The window closes and returns to the Account grid.

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Data Entry



Account Number

System Generated

Transaction Type

Select from drop-down list; refer to Credit Reporting Resource Guides

Special Comment Code

Select from drop-down list; refer to Credit Reporting Resource Guides

Compliance Code

Select from drop-down list; refer to Credit Reporting Resource Guides

ECOA code

Select from drop-down list; refer to Credit Reporting Resource Guides

Consumer Information Indicator

Select from drop-down list; refer to Credit Reporting Resource Guides

Payment History

24-month history record (most current month - left to right): B=No Pmt History, 0=Current, G=Collections, 1=1-59 days, 2=60-89 days, etc.

Address Indicator

Select from drop-down list; refer to Credit Reporting Resource Guides

Residence Code

Select from drop-down list; refer to Credit Reporting Resource Guides

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Save Delete Reset Cancel Guidelines

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Credit Report Detail Screen Sample

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Add Credit Report Detail Screen Sample

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