
Add Edit Delete

Comakers Information Screen Samples

Comakers List screen

Customer Services Functions Overview


The Comaker Information screen is displayed when the user clicks on the Magnifying Glass icon in the Comakers List screen to edit or delete an existing Comaker. The Add Comaker Information screen is displayed when the user clicks on the Add icon, or the “Click to add a new comaker” message in the Comakers List screen. This function allows a user (depending on the user’s security policy) to

There are also guidelines below on how to Assign a Comaker to a Loan/Receivable and Save Delete Reset Cancel Guidelines.

Add a new Comaker

Follow the Data Entry guidelines below and then click on the Save icon in the function bar. The window is refreshed indicated that the comaker was successfully saved (see below) and provides a user to add an address for the Comaker. When the user clicks on the Address icon a new window opens (see Add Edit Delete Comaker Addresses for more details).

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Edit Comaker Information

Edit the appropriate fields following the Data Entry guidelines below and then click on the Save icon in the function bar. The window closes and returns to the Comakers List screen. To edit the Comaker addresses, click on the Rolodex address icon and a new window opens (see Add Edit Delete Comaker Addresses for more details).

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Assign a Comaker to a Loan/Receivable

Click on the Loan/Receivables link in the Comakers List screen and the screen will be refreshed listing the Customer’s Loan/Receivables. Select a Loan/Receivable and then click on the Comaker in the Select a Loan/Receivable Function drop-down box (see Assign a Comaker for more details).

Delete Comaker

To delete a Comaker, the Comaker must not be endorsing a Loan/Receivable (which is displayed at the bottom of the screen). Click on the Delete icon in the function bar. A window will open (see below). Click on the OK button to delete the Comaker and the window closes and returns to the Comakers List screen with the Comaker removed.

NOTE: If the Delete icon is not enabled, you do not have the security privileges necessary to delete this data

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Save error

If the information is not entered correctly, the user may receive an error message (see below). Click on the OK button and update the information and click on the Save icon.

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Data Entry

*Required Fields




The comaker’s social security number


The salutation to be used on correspondence that is sent to the comaker

*First Name

The comaker’s first name


The comaker’s middle initial

*Last Name

The comaker’s last name


The suffix at the end of the comakers name


The sex of the comaker


The citizenship of the comaker  Either US or Non US

Date of Birth

The birth date of the comaker

Marital Status

The comaker’s marital status

Drivers License

The comaker’s drivers license number


The state where the comaker’s resides


The name of the firm with which the comaker is employed

Employer ID

The ID given to the comaker by the firm which he is employed by


The comaker’s job title


The comakers hourly, weekly, monthly or annual salary


The start date of employment

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Save Delete Reset Cancel Guidelines

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Comaker Information Screen Sample

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Add Comaker Screen Sample

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