
Exit a Customer Screen Sample

Customer Services Functions Overview


This function allows a user to process exits on ALL Loan/Receivables for a customer providing for amortization across multiple loans and allocations of installment payment amount. Loan/Receivables are generally exited via the Import/Exit Records function.

When an Loan/Receivable is "exited",  it is moved from an "enrolled" status to a "grace" status, in preparation for repayment.  This process establishes the Loan/Receivable repayment schedule (payment amount, due date, etc.) and generates the required documents for Customer notification .

Federal Loan guidelines stiplulate the minimum payment amount across ALL Loans in the fund. To appropriately pro-rate the amount and amortize repayment, the loans must be exited simultaneously either through the Customer Account function Exit or through the Import/Exit.

The Customer Exit Process Screen consists in part of an entry form for providing information associated with the Exit process. The screen also provides the user with the capability to "print" various Exit-related documents. When the Print flag for a document is set to "Yes", the indicated number of copies is placed in the Customer's Mail Queue

Exit a Customer

Edit the appropriate fields following the Data Entry guidelines below and then click on the Save icon in the function bar. The window closes and returns to the Loan grid. Note; - there can be errors (see Save Error for details).

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Data Entry



Loan/Receivable Information


Loan/Receivable Name

Loan/Receivable currently being exited

Sub Name

Loan/Receivable currently being exited


Current status of Loan/Receivable


Current due date of the Loan/Receivable prior to exit

Pay Amt

The minimum payment amount established by terms of the note


Repayment frequency established by terms of the note


Select from drop-list


Current Loan/Receivable balance

Exit Interview Information


By Whom

Defaults to the user performing the exit function


Defaults to the school for which the Loan/Receivable is issued


Select from drop-list

Acad. Level

Provide Customer’s academic level at time of separation




Default to current date; sets availability of e-exit for BWA

Form Printed




Repayment Information



Enter the effective date of Exit


Day after grace period ends; Loan/Receivable enters Repayment status

Schd End

Calculated date of last payment based on Loan/Receivable amt, installment amount, and number of installments

Max End

Calculated last date allowed for payment based on terms of Loan/Receivable note for maximum repayment months.

Benefit Information



Default to Grace


Day after separation; Loan/Receivable enters Grace Status


Last day of specified benefit

Exit Documents



Select number of copies to print; Default is established in Administration/System Configuration- Exit Parameters


Letter code from Administration/System Tables-Letters and Forms


Description of corresponding Form

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Save Delete Reset Cancel Guidelines

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Save Error

To exit the Loan/Receivable, click on the Save icon in the function bar. Clicking the Save icon will trigger an edit process that validates the user-entered data. If there are any errors, they will be displayed in a pop-up dialog box as shown in this example:





Click on the OK button to acknowledge the errors and return to the entry form. Modify the field(s) in error and again click the Save button. If there are not any edit errors, the Loan/Receivable exit data will be saved, and the appropriate correspondence added to the Customer's mail queue. The Loan/Receivable Summary display will also be updated to reflect the new Loan/Receivable status.

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Exit a Customer Screen Sample


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