Add a Loan/Receivable


Add a Loan/Receivable Screen Samples

Add a Loan/Receivable (not repayment)

Add a Loan/Receivable List screen

Customer Services Functions Overview


The Add a Loan/Receivable screen is displayed when the user clicks on the Add Loan/Receivable in the Add a Loan/Receivable List screen for a Loan/Receivable that has a “R” Status 0n Orig. column (Repayment). If a user selects a Loan/Receivable that does not have “R” status, the Add a Loan/Receivable screen is displayed.

Add a new Repayment Loan/Receivable

Follow the Data Entry guidelines and then click on the Update Repayment Details button and the screen will be refreshed (note: you may receive an error). Click on the Save icon in the function bar and a new window will be displayed (see below) indicating the Loan/Receivable was successfully created (note: you may receive an error). Click on the OK button and the Add a Loan/Receivable List screen will be displayed that will allow the user to add another Loan/Receivable. Close the screen to return to the Customer Account grid to View the New Loan/Receivable.

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Save/Update Repayment Details error

If the information is not entered correctly, the user may receive an error message (see below). Click on the OK button an update the information and click on the Update Repayment Details button or Save icon.

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Data Entry

*Required Fields





*Date of Loan/Receivable

Enter the effective date of the Loan/Receivable


Select the campus applicable for this Loan/Receivable

*Bank Account

Cash Clearing Acct for disbursements.  Default is established in Administration/ System Configuration/ Loan/Receivable Set-up

Term Begins

Enter the begin date of the term for which this Loan/Receivable applies

Term Ends

Enter the end date of the term for which this Loan/Receivable applies

Academic Level

Enter the academic level of Customer at the time Loan/Receivable is effective

Completed Date


Form Printed Date


Promissory Note ID


Note Mailed Date


Loan/Receivable Details


*Amount Borrowed

Enter the amount of Loan/Receivable

*Payment Amount

Default is value from Note Maintenance parameters; user may edit

*Payment Frequency

Default is value from Note Maintenance parameters; user may edit

*Interest Method

Default is value from Note Maintenance parameters; user may edit

*Interest Frequency

Default is value from Note Maintenance parameters; user may edit

*Interest Amount/Percentage

Default is value from Note Maintenance parameters; user may edit

Min. Months Until Due

Default is value from Note Maintenance parameters; user may edit

Past Due Date

Entry of a date here allows for a Loan/Receivable to be aged when originated in CRC; useful in bringing in accounts receivable debts.

LC Amount

Late Charge Amount allows for the assessment of a fee upon origination for past due Loan/Receivables.

Repayment Details


Repayment Begins

The date the Loan/Receivable will be in ‘repayment status’

Fist Payment Due

The system date for which an Loan/Receivable payment will be due

Scheduled End Date

Calculated from the Pmt amount and Loan/Receivable amount this represents the last scheduled payment date

Max End Date

Calculated from Note Maintenance parameter, this represents the maximum date for repayment allowed by the terms of the note

Number of Installments

Calculated number of payments to pay Loan/Receivable based on Loan/Receivable amount and installment amount

Estimated Total Interest

Calculated amount of interest to be repaid over the repayment period.

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Save Reset Guidelines

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View the new Loan/Receivable

Close the Add an Loan/Receivable List screen and click on the Loan/Receivables link (see below).


The screen will be refreshed with the new Loan/Receivable listed.

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Add an Loan/Receivable Screen Sample


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Update Repayment Screen Sample

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