ACH Parameters

System Configuration Parameters Maintenance

Administration Functions Overview


This Screen is accessed by selecting the ACH Parameters function from the drop-down box of the System Configuration Parameters Maintenance screen.

The information entered in these fields will be used to identify the financial institution and the school in the header record of Import and Export payment batches. When the user edits the parameters (see Data Entry below), click on the Save icon in the function bar. See Save Reset Guidelines for more details. More information on ACH setup can be found in the: Outbound ACH Help Doc.

Data Entry

Field Name



School’s Bank Number

ACH School ID

School’s Identifying ID to Bank

ACH Bank Name

School’s Bank Name

ACH Company ID

Provided by school’s bank

ACH Company Entry Description

Provided by school’s bank

Drop ACH Late Payors

Option to stop withdrawal for Loan/Receivables which become delinquent.

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ACH Parameters Screen sample



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