Increase/Decrease Loan/Receivable +/-

Add a Disbursement Screen Sample


Customer Services Functions Overview


Generally disbursements are added or reduced to an existing Loan/Receivable via the Import/Customer and Loan/Receivable Records function. Under certain circumstances however, it may prove necessary to manually add or reduce a disbursement to a Customer's Loan/Receivable using the Increase/Decrease Loan/Receivable +/- function. The user follows the Data Entry guidelines below and click on the Save icon in the function bar and the screen is closed and the Account is refreshed. Note: the color may change (see Accounts for more details).

Data Entry

*Required Fields

Field Name


*Amount Disbursed

Amount disbursed format is nnnnn.nn. It can be plus or minus. Examples: 100, 150.50, -100, -150.50


The default is the current date. The date can be changed for when the disbursement is applied.


The Cash Clearing Acct for disbursements. Default is the parameter established in OM/SysConfig/Loan/Receivables

Loan/Receivable Information

Loan/Receivable information that is read-only is displayed at the bottom of the screen

Save, Delete, Reset, Cancel Guidelines

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Save Error

If there is a Data Entry error after clicking on the Save icon in the function bar, an error message appears. Click on the OK button and correct the error and click on the Save icon again.

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Add a Disbursement Screen Sample

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