Customer Profile

Add Edit Delete

Data Entry

Delete a Customer

Screen Samples

Add/Update Addresses and Phones

Administration Functions Overview


This function is displayed after performing Find a Customer. This function enables the user to perform the following actions depending on their security profile:

Data Entry

*Required Fields

Field Name


*Social Security Number

Effective with 3.0 if SSN is not available populate with customer ID. Format of 9 digit SSN has been removed

* Customer ID

Value must be entered. May be same as CID in SSN field.

Drivers License

If entered, Up to 25 characters available


Value must be from drop-down list.

*First Name

A value must be entered.

Middle Name


*Last Name

A value must be entered.


Value must be from drop-down list.

Prior Name

A value must be entered


Value must be from drop-down

*Date of Birth

Enter mm/dd/yyyy or use calendar next to entry field.

Enrolled Status Code

If entered, mm/dd/yyyy or use calendar next to entry field.

Customer Since

If entered, mm/dd/yyyy or use calendar next to entry field.

Closed Since

If entered, mm/dd/yyyy or use calendar next to entry field.

Enrolled Status Date

If entered, mm/dd/yyyy or use calendar next to entry field.


If entered, mm/dd/yyyy or use calendar next to entry field.

Estimated Graduation Date

If entered, must be greater than or equal to Customer Since Date.

Customer Web Access Enabled

Choose Yes/No from the drop-down.

Foreign ID

If entered, 15 characters available

Correspondence Option

Choose Paper, Paperless or Both from Drop-Down

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Save, Delete Reset, Cancel Guidelines

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Save Error

Clicking the Save icon will trigger an edit process that validates the user-entered data. If there are any errors, they will be displayed in a pop-up dialog box as shown in this example:


Click on the OK button to acknowledge the errors and return to the entry form. Modify the field(s) in error and again click the Save button. If there are not any edit errors, the Customer information will be written to the database, and the pop-up update window will be closed. The Customer List will be updated depending upon the selection criteria that were last used. Once the Customer information has been saved, the user can enter address information for the Customer. See below Review/update information for a Customer for additional information.

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Delete Customer Error

Note:A Customer cannot be deleted if they are currently associated with one or more Loan/Receivables. The Loan/Receivables must be deleted before the Customer can be deleted.

When the OK button is clicked to acknowledge the Delete action, an edit process is then triggered to ensure that there are no Customer Loan/Receivables. If one or more Loan/Receivables are found, an error message will be displayed in a pop-up dialog box as shown in this example:


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"Undelete" a Customer

If the Customer data complies with the edit, the Customer record will be deleted, and the pop-up window will be closed. The Customer List will still reflect the deleted Customer however. This is because the Customer record is not removed until the archive process is run, thereby enabling the user to "undelete" the record.

If a previously deleted Customer record has not been archived from the system, it is possible to "undelete" the Customer by setting the Archive Flag to "No". This will not restore any Loan/Receivable records which were previously associated with the Customer however. The Loan/Receivable records can be individually restored (if they have not been archived from the system) via the Loan/Receivable Details function.

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Add/Update/Delete Addresses and Phones

Click on the Add/Update Addresses on the Customer Maintenance screen (circled in the sample screen below) which opens a new window. See Customer Address & Phone Information help for more details.

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Customer Maintenance Screen Add Sample

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Customer Maintenance Screen Edit/Delete Sample

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